Interschools Success for Dunbyrne

We are thrilled with the recent success of our liveries and coaching clients at the recent Interschools competition at Coilog.

Keelin and Sive competed on a team with Ollie and Lass in the open team competition. They were thrilled to finish second in this team competition. Sive also competed in her first ever 1.10m showjumping competition on the day which was a fantastic achivement.

Hannah and Amy competed in the primary teams competition. They all flew around clear on their super ponies. Isabelle and Cooper had their first interschools competition together with just four faults.

Ava and her pony Cara had an amazing day out! They won their 55cm class and also placed highly in their higher class.

We are delighted to see the standard of riding of these riders as well as their ability to work as a team and support each other. These riders are coached by Lorna O’Hare one of our BHS and HSI qualified onsite coaches.