At Dunbyrne Equestrian Centre we offer a wide range of livery services to meet you and your horses needs. Each service has different benefits and is designed to suit the requirements of our individual livery owners.
Full Livery - Suitable for those who wish their horses to get the VIP treatment each day by our staff. Each horse has their own groom designated to take care of their daily needs.
DIY Livery - Suitable for clients with the time and energy to commit to full stable management, exercise and care of their own horses.
All Livery clients can avail of the below facilities
Access to the main stable yard, rug room, tack room, canteen, both outdoor arenas, all weather gallops and park land.
Use of both outdoor arenas
All weather 3 furlong gallops
Horses are turned out individually into stud livery paddocks.
Lessons available in our Riding School at a reduced rate to livery clients.
Regular visits from the Vet, Dentist and Farrier
If you would like further information, to visit us or discuss your requirements in more detail, then call us to make an appointment with our Livery Yard Manager on 085 805 9529