redhills stud

Livery at Dunbyrne Equestrian

Livery at Dunbyrne Equestrian

We have livery available in Kildare just minutes from Kildare, Newbridge and Coilog. Our courtyard stables are warm, spacious and well ventilated and horses thrive on a daily routine with individual turnout all year round.

Looking for Livery? Ten reasons to join #teamdunbyrnestud

Are you looking for livery? Here are ten reasons to join #teamdunbyrnestud on livery today :

  1. We offer huge courtyard stables with deep warm shavings beds providing the ultimate comfort for your horse

  2. We supply top quality haylage and feed twice a day as part of our full stabled livery package

  3. Horses are turned out daily in individual paddocks with secure fencing. Horses are still relaxed as they can see other horses beside them and this turnout is much safer than group turnout especially when horses and ponies are wearing a full set of shoes.

  4. Our yard owners live onsite so our opening hours are flexible. We never restrict our liveries with set hours so if you need to head off early morning somewhere or are running late from work there is no need to worry.

  5. We have a huge livery arena (this is dedicated to liveries and is entirely separate from the onsite riding school). The size of our arena allows liveries to ride when our coaches are running lessons so there is no need to plan your riding around someone else’s lessons or arena bookings.

  6. BHS and HSI qualified coaches onsite providing training at competitive rates

  7. We are less than thirty minutes from JAG / Redhills / Greenogue / Emerald and just ten minutes from Coilog so Leinster competition venues are close by.

  8. We have a heated rug room with storage for liveries. This is ideal on cold or damp days as you can hang up your rug while you ride so its nice and warm when it goes back on your horse.

  9. We have a 4.5 furlong all weather sand gallops which is exclusively for our liveries to use. This leads on to our onsite wooded hacking trails and is ideal for hacking, fittening work, eventing preparation or even just a break from the arena.

  10. We are lucky to have a lovely bunch of existing clients who are positive and enthusiastic. We enjoy taking part as a group in competing on and offsite and in social activities. Our liveries take part in a wealth of disciplines from eventing to dressage.

To arrange a yard visit and enquire about joining our team - please email

Dunbyrne Equestrian Online Combined Training results

Dunbyrne Equestrian Online Combined Training results

Sophie O Grady and Leo winners of our 85-90cm Easter Combined Training

Dunbyrne Livery Equitation Jumping Results

Last week we ran our first in house online competition at our family run livery yard in Co. Kildare. Our liveries train with our onsite BHS and HSI qualified coaches and have been doing fantastic work in their lessons so we wanted to give them a chance to showcase their riding.

Our liveries videoed themselves riding a course of 11 jumping obstacles and submitted their entries. This competition was kindly judged by Christa Dillon, owner of equestrian blog Blackhill eventing and one of the hosts of Buck off banter podcast. Christa’s feedback on our riders was fantastic - “These are not average riders and this is not an average standard. They are all jumping so well, giving the horse every chance, riding under control, using the arena and correcting issues quickly. This shows an advanced thought process behind the riding and shows great maturity in the younger riders”

We as coaches were very proud of our riders - we believe in coaching using the FEI systems for flatwork and show jumping and are delighted to see our #teamdunbyrnestud members progressing.

We divided our riders into three categories and the results are below- We have lots of Easter eggs and Horselyx for our humans and horses to enjoy as prizes


1st Roisin Daly and Thunder

2nd Sophie OGrady and Leo

3rd Arianne Dunne and Roxy

Aged 14 - 18 years

1st Eileen Nawara and Peanut

2nd Caoimhe Sullivan and Judy

3rd Kayla brown and Betty

4th Ellie Moore and Tilly

5th Georgia Cadogan and Sapphire

!3 and Under

Smoothest Round - Isabelle Smyth & Cooper

Most Stylish Position - Emili Smyth and Cooper

Most Determined - Sophia Manning and Jumanji

Best Jumping Position - Sive Murphy and Domino

Thanks very much to Christa for giving up her time to judge this for us. Thank you to all of our liveries for taking part.

We have livery available in our courtyard stables. if you would like to become part of #teamdunbyrnestud please email to arrange a yard visit. Horses are fed haylage and feed twice a day, mucked out daily, turned out daily and have fresh bedding twice a week. Lessons are available at competitive rates with our onsite BHSI and HSI coaches. We have a huge livery arena completely separate to the onsite riding school, a gorgeous all weather 4.5 furlong gallops and onsite hacking. We are 10 minutes drive from Coilog and within 30 minutes of competition venues JAG / Greenogue / Redhills. We are a family run yard and live onsite so there are no strict opening hours and no time pressure on our clients.

Full Livery Available

We have full livery available in our courtyard stables.

Our liveries are housed in our beautiful courtyard where horses enjoy spacious stables with deep, warm shavings beds and great ventilation.

Horses are fed top quality haylage and feed twice a day.

Horses are mucked out daily and fresh bedding is provided twice a week.

Liveries have access to all facilities including our 50*70m outdoor livery arena, our 4.5 furlong sand gallops and our wooded hacking trail.

Our yard is family run and the owners live onsite so there is always someone here with your horse and this arrangement allows us to be completely flexible on opening hours.

We have BHS and HSI qualified coaches onsite who can give qualified advise and support and coaching at competitive rates.

We are located just ten minutes from Coilog and within a half hours drive of competition venues such as Greenogue, Redhills and JAG.

As a yard we believe in good old fashioned horse care - horses thrive on routine and our professional team provide this daily. We believe in stables where horses have a view of what’s going on and are not bored, where stable beds are deep and warm and stables have good ventilation. We believe in good quality feeding and in providing qualified advice. We believe in putting the horse first in everything we do. We embrace the training scale and love seeing our clients learn and progress.

To arrange to view the yard please whats app 0858059529 or email

Dunbyrne Dressage Divas!

It was a very sparkling white affair on Sunday as several of our riders competed at Dressage Ireland at Redhills. The competition season is in full swing at the moment and we were delighted to see our riders heading off looking well. 

Sisters Aoife and Caitlin Harrington had a very early start with Aoife entering at A at 8.18am! Aoife took on the challenge of riding four tests - two each on Cosmic and Killelton Starlight. It was a very very tight turnaround of horses in the novice class with just six minutes between times but Aoife kept her cool under pressure. Aoife won both her preliminary and novice Trailblazer classes on board Killelton Starlight, a fantastic result for their first outing as a partnership. She also took sixth in the prelim and second in the novice trailblazers with Cosmic. Aoife is delighted to have achieved qualification for the preliminary trailblazers at the National Championships in September nice and early in the season.

Caitlin Harrington competed with her chestnut pony Nightlight taking first place in the unregistered preliminary. Big sister Orla Harrington was due a very big thank you having taken on the role of groom for both her sisters as well as for Lorna on the day. 

Keen eventer Ellen Merrins traded studs for sparkles on Sunday to compete her gelding Sillan Ludene in the preliminary classes. The pair had a fantastic Dressage Ireland Debut taking second and third place in their classes with impressive scores. 

Lorna competed with DBS Second Chance at what was their first Dressage Ireland competition of the season. They took third place in their novice class and second place at Elementary level in their second class. Most importantly the pair earned their first two qualifiying scores towards the National Championships. 

Michelle Davitt meanwhile competed in the penultimate leg of the Linda Moore Riding Club Showjumping league at Coilog on board Zono. They placed third in the primary class giving them the lead in the league to date, which they are keen to hold on to heading into the final this weekend. 

We are delighted to see all the training paying off for these riders. Our riders are on livery and train at Dunbyrne Stud with our BHS / HSI coaches Ross, Lorna and Rory O'Hare. If you are working towards competing at pony club, riding club or Dressage Ireland please get in touch to find out how we can help you to achieve your goals.