
Livery at Dunbyrne Equestrian

Livery at Dunbyrne Equestrian

We have livery available in Kildare just minutes from Kildare, Newbridge and Coilog. Our courtyard stables are warm, spacious and well ventilated and horses thrive on a daily routine with individual turnout all year round.

Cadogan family champions

Lynn Cadogan and her daughter Georgia have been proving that equestrian talent runs in the family!

Georgia and her Connemara pony Sapphire recently won the trailblazers preliminary championships at the Dressage Ireland national championships in Barnadown Co. Wexford. Georgia, who took to dressage over the past two years has trained her pony from scratch and also took fourth place in the novice championships. Coached by Lorna O’Hare, Georgia looks forwards now to transitioning to junior classes and aiming for qualification for the 2023 Winter Finals.

Lynn is a keen showjumper with her gelding Joe. A self confessed nervous rider when she first joined Dunbyrne Stud Lynn found her wings and has enjoyed showjumping at 70 and 80cm for the past two years. Lynn’s goal for years has been to jump 90cm. This weekend at a riding club competiton in Coilog in some very challenging weather Lynn achieved this goal. After placing fourth in the 80cm class, Lynn had a fabulous clear round in the 90cm class too. Lynn is looking forwards now to enjoying Joe through the rest of the West Leinster league.

We love helping clients to set and achieve SMART goals. We are delighted to see the progress and achievements that Lynn and Georgia have achieved