kildare hunt pony club

Performing with Pony Club

At Dunbyrne Equestrian we are very lucky to have two great clubs affiliated to the Irish Pony Clubs on our doorstep. A number of our tail blazers and livery clients are members of the Kildare Hunt pony club and enjoy regular outings to rallies and competitions. Keelagh Quinlan and sister Caitlin, Aoife and Orla Harrington are regulars on the pony club circuit. These riders have been attending regular training this Spring in both dressage and showjumping and are ready for action in the competition season!

A number of our Tail Blazers had never experienced pony club before. We encouraged all of these junior riders and their parents to look at joining a club for 2018. We believe that Irish Pony Club provides a brilliant opportunity to compete and enjoy horse riding with like minded children and to form lasting friendships. Irish Pony Club also instill a great culture of learning into members from improving their riding to learning stable management and taking Pony Club tests. 

On Saturday the 3rd February after a Tail Blazers turnout clinic and several hours of beautifying their ponies ten of our Tail Blazers headed to their first ever Newcastle Lyons pony club rally at JAG Equestrian. Laura Kavanagh, Tabitha Walsh, Niamh Davitt and Sinead Davitt headed to their C test rally while Hannah Groves, Sive Murphy, Ella Callan, Molly Dunne, Mia Browne and Zara Logan all headed to their first newcomers rally. The riders were looked after on the day by DC Grainne Alexander and coaches Phillip Gaffney and Anne O'Connor. All riders fared very well on the day receiving high praise for their turnout and standard of riding. 

We are delighted to see our Dunbyrne Tail Blazers representing the yard through the Irish Pony Club in both the Kildare Hunt and Newcastle Lyons clubs and look forward to seeing them enjoy many outings throughout 2018