bhs exam trainer

BHS Success for Blanaid and Perrine

Huge congratulations to two talented BHS Ireland members who received positive exam results this week!

Perrine Pilate has been training with our onsite BHSI Ross O’Hare and previously achieved her BHS Stage 2 exam. She has now also passed her British Horse Society Stage 2 Coach Exam making her a qualified horse riding instructor. Perrine is now looking forward to training towards the next level with Ross.

Team member Blanaid Sharpe, who learned to ride as a child in Dunbyrne Riding School and who previously achieved her Stage 2 exam, has how also passed her Stage 3 care exam which qualifies her as a professional groom. We are incredibly proud of Blanaid on her achievement.

If you are looking for training towards any of your BHS exams, pop us an email -