bhs coach ireland

BHS (British Horse Society) Assessment Dates for 2023

All of the 2023 assessment dates for BHS exams can be found below.

Our onsite BHSI and BHS Assessor provides the following services for clients:

  • BHS Care training stage 1-5

  • BHS Lunge training stage 1-5

  • BHS Coaching training stage 1-5

  • BHS riding training for those who have their own horse (Stage 1-5)

  • BHS Ride Safe for those who have their own horse (required for Stage two Assessments)

  • Mock exams for care, coach and lunge sections

  • Mock exams for riding on own horse

  • Assessment sign off (required for all assessments from Stage 2)

Anyone wishing to take BHS assessments should firstly become a gold member of the BHS. More information can be found here-

BHS assessments can be taken by anyone - from horse owners who just want to improve their knowledge to professionals who with to obtain qualifications in coaching, riding and stable management. You can find more information on the development pathways here:

2023 assessment dates

  • Stage 1 Care and Ride, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 09/02/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Kildalton College, 21/02/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 11/04/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Hitchmoughs Equestrian Centre, 24/04/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 20/06/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Kildalton College, 22/02/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Brennanstown Riding School, 12/04/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 09/05/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Brennanstown Riding School, 21/06/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Brennanstown Riding School, 05/09/2023


  • Stage 2 Teach, Kildalton College, 29/03/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 14/04/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 10/05/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 23/06/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 07/09/2023

  • Stage 3 Care and Lunge only, Clonshire Equestrian Centre 10/02/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Kildalton College 28/03/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 13/04/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 16/05/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 22/06/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 06/09/2023


  • Stage 3 Teach, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 30/05/2023

  • Stage 3 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 08/09/2023

  • Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Event Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 10/10/2023

  • Stage 4 Coach, Brennanstown Riding School, 11/10/2023

Dunbyrne Dressage Divas

Our liveries had another busy weekend working between the dressage boards.

Myriam and Beau headed to Coilog to take part in the Killcarrick riding club show. They took part in the novice class and earned 3rd place - we think they may have caught the dressage bug now.

Laura and Lady headed to Redhills for the Dressage Ireland show and had brilliant results taking first and second in the prelim classes. This has also qualified them for the national championships!

Emma and Lorna also headed to Dressage Ireland. Lorna and Sammy won their novice classes with Emma and Ruben taking fourth place in the novice class.

Sive travelled to Ballindennisk for her pony club event taking fifth place with Ollie and achieving her goal of qualifying for the Irish Pony Club national championships.

We have full livery available. Our yard is home to several BHS qualified coaches who work with clients to achieve their goals in all disciplines. Email to arrange a yard visit.