Ross o'hare

BHS Success for Blanaid and Perrine

Huge congratulations to two talented BHS Ireland members who received positive exam results this week!

Perrine Pilate has been training with our onsite BHSI Ross O’Hare and previously achieved her BHS Stage 2 exam. She has now also passed her British Horse Society Stage 2 Coach Exam making her a qualified horse riding instructor. Perrine is now looking forward to training towards the next level with Ross.

Team member Blanaid Sharpe, who learned to ride as a child in Dunbyrne Riding School and who previously achieved her Stage 2 exam, has how also passed her Stage 3 care exam which qualifies her as a professional groom. We are incredibly proud of Blanaid on her achievement.

If you are looking for training towards any of your BHS exams, pop us an email -

Dunbyrne Dressage Divas

Our liveries had another busy weekend working between the dressage boards.

Myriam and Beau headed to Coilog to take part in the Killcarrick riding club show. They took part in the novice class and earned 3rd place - we think they may have caught the dressage bug now.

Laura and Lady headed to Redhills for the Dressage Ireland show and had brilliant results taking first and second in the prelim classes. This has also qualified them for the national championships!

Emma and Lorna also headed to Dressage Ireland. Lorna and Sammy won their novice classes with Emma and Ruben taking fourth place in the novice class.

Sive travelled to Ballindennisk for her pony club event taking fifth place with Ollie and achieving her goal of qualifying for the Irish Pony Club national championships.

We have full livery available. Our yard is home to several BHS qualified coaches who work with clients to achieve their goals in all disciplines. Email to arrange a yard visit.

BHS Ireland 2019 Exam dates

The British Horse Society have released the 2019 dates for exams in the Republic of Ireland for 2019. As the dates are listed by centre on the BHS website, we have created a calendar by date instead to make it easier to find what you need.

You don’t need to be doing a course full time to take your BHS Exams, it’s entirely possible to study for and pass your exams independently while working full or part time. Whatever your situation, if you need an assessment, a mock exam, or some one to one or group training we can help. Our onsite BHSI Ross O’Hare provides training from Ride Safe to Stage One through to Stage 5. We have suitable horses for use in riding and lunging sessions and a working yard ideal for stable management lessons, lectures and practice.

if you are based somewhere else and would like us to come to you for training, just get in touch. Ross regularly travels around the country to deliver training so if you have a group interested we can arrange for him to come to you.


  • 11th February, Hitchmough’s, Ride Safe

  • 19th February, Kildalton, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 26th February, Calliaghstown, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 27th February, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 28th February, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Teach



  • 1st March, Calliaghstown, Stage 3 Teach

  • 26th March, Kildalton, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 21st March, Slieve Aughty, Ride Safe

  • 27th March, Kildalton, Stage 2 Teach



  • 8th April, Hitchmough’s, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 9th April, Claremorris, Ride Safe

  • 16th April, Clonshire, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 23rd April, Brennanstown, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 24th April, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 25th April, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 25th April, Danville, Ride Safe

  • 26th April, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Teach

  • 30th April, Calliaghstown, Stage 1 Care, Lunge and Ride



  • 1st May, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 2nd May, Calliaghstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 2nd May, Slieve Aughty, Ride Safe

  • 3rd May, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Teach



  • 5th June, Grennan, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 7th June, Grennan, Stage 2 Teach

  • 18th June, Brennanstown, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 19th June, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 20th June, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 21st June, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Teach



  • 9th July, Claremorris, Ride Safe





  • 3rd September, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 4th September, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 5th September, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Teach

  • 6th September, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Teach

  • 12th September, Slieve Aughty, Ride Safe

  • 18th September, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 19th September, Calliaghstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 20th September, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Teach

  • 24th September, Claremorris, Ride Safe



  • 15th October, Brennanstown, Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 16th October, Stage 4 Teach



  • 7th November, Calliaghstown, Stage 1 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 8th November, Calliaghstown, Ride Safe




BHS Stage 1 Stable Management Evening Course

We posted earlier today about our opportunity for a full time pupil to come on board as part of our team to train to be a BHS Instructor. While we take students on to study for their BHS exams on a full time basis, we recognise the need for part time courses for others who may be working full time in another industry or have other commitments. 

What we are proposing to run is an eight week course which would train students up to be at the appropriate level to apply for and take their BHS Stage 1 stable management exam. This course would take place at Dunbyrne Equestrian (provisionally on a Thursday evening from 6.30 – 7.45pm but we will take feedback from interested parties on what might work). The course would cover the BHS Stage One stable management syllabus. The cost of the course would be €120 per person payable at the start of the course. (please note that this does not include exam fees for the BHS Stage One – attendees would be responsible for booking and paying for their own exams). However this price would depend on us securing enough interest to run the course. Please let us know if you would be interested in signing up for this course. 

Given how everyone’s schedule tends to be busy during the summer we hoped to commence the course at the beginning of September when routines tend to settle in. If there is interest we can also provide opportunities once the course is up and running for attendees to take part in relevant tasks at the yard on the weekend to practice and gain experience.

The course above covers the stable management syllabus of the BHS Stage One but if you would also like to take riding exams with the BHS we have an onsite AIRE approved riding school where you can attend lessons if you would like to brush up on your riding. For both the stable management and riding exams we will be able to host mock exams (for an additional fee) if there is enough interest after the end of the course. If the stage one course is successful we can build from this and work towards courses for Stage 2, stage 3 and the PTT exams.

If anyone prefers to study for any BHS exams on a one to one basis rather than a group, we can of course provide this. One to one tuition with our BHSI costs €50 per hour onsite.


Grand Marnier Starts His Eventing Career

Five year old Trakehner stallion Grand Marnier began his eventing career on Saturday at Killossery Lodge Stud. The buckskin stallion, owned by Mandy Driesch took part in the EI100 pre novice at his first ever event finishing eighth in a strong class. Grand Marnier aka Friday was ridden by Ross O'Hare and the pair finished on their dressage score after smooth clear rounds on the showjumping and cross country courses. It is the middle of breeding season for Grand Marnier who will hopefully have many foals on the ground next year but this did not phase the stallion at all with his manners as impeccable as ever. 

It was a great weekend of eventing for Dunbyrne riders with Lorna Keogh and DBS Second Chance and Ellen Merrins and Sillan Ludene making their eventing debut in the EI90 class. Rory O'Hare and DBS Anchorman competed in Clyda on Sunday in the 2* class. 

Grand Marnier Earns WSI approval at Millstreet

Ross O'Hare travelled to Millstreet this month to ride Mandy Driesch's buckskin Trakehner stallion Grand Marnier in the WSI (Warmblood Studbook of Ireland) stallion inspections.

Grand Marnier, by dressage stallion Steinburg out of anglo arab mare Glitters Dream Girl was shown on the flat, over a track of showjumping fences and in hand on Thursday evening 13th April. This performance was deemed above the standard required making Grand Marnier eligible for assessment as an eventing stallion over cross country fences the next day. Ross and Grand Marnier put in a great performance on the cross country track resulting in a unanimous decision by the judging panel to approve the stallion while still stood on the cross country field without the need to come back for a test rider assessment.

So on Good Friday, the day before his fifth birthday, Grand Marnier aka Friday (stable name) was approved by WSI as an eventing stallion. We are delighted for Friday's owner Mandy Dreisch and with the positive feedback received from the judging panel on Grand Marniers rider, training and presentation.