BHS (British Horse Society) Assessment Dates for 2023

All of the 2023 assessment dates for BHS exams can be found below.

Our onsite BHSI and BHS Assessor provides the following services for clients:

  • BHS Care training stage 1-5

  • BHS Lunge training stage 1-5

  • BHS Coaching training stage 1-5

  • BHS riding training for those who have their own horse (Stage 1-5)

  • BHS Ride Safe for those who have their own horse (required for Stage two Assessments)

  • Mock exams for care, coach and lunge sections

  • Mock exams for riding on own horse

  • Assessment sign off (required for all assessments from Stage 2)

Anyone wishing to take BHS assessments should firstly become a gold member of the BHS. More information can be found here-

BHS assessments can be taken by anyone - from horse owners who just want to improve their knowledge to professionals who with to obtain qualifications in coaching, riding and stable management. You can find more information on the development pathways here:

2023 assessment dates

  • Stage 1 Care and Ride, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 09/02/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Kildalton College, 21/02/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 11/04/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Hitchmoughs Equestrian Centre, 24/04/2023

  • Stage 1 Care & Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 20/06/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Kildalton College, 22/02/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Brennanstown Riding School, 12/04/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 09/05/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Brennanstown Riding School, 21/06/2023

  • Stage 2 Care, lunge and Ride Brennanstown Riding School, 05/09/2023


  • Stage 2 Teach, Kildalton College, 29/03/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 14/04/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 10/05/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 23/06/2023

  • Stage 2 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 07/09/2023

  • Stage 3 Care and Lunge only, Clonshire Equestrian Centre 10/02/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Kildalton College 28/03/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 13/04/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 16/05/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 22/06/2023

  • Stage 3 Care Lunge and Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 06/09/2023


  • Stage 3 Teach, Clonshire Equestrian Centre, 30/05/2023

  • Stage 3 Teach, Brennanstown Riding School, 08/09/2023

  • Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Event Ride, Brennanstown Riding School, 10/10/2023

  • Stage 4 Coach, Brennanstown Riding School, 11/10/2023

Looking for Livery? Ten reasons to join #teamdunbyrnestud

Are you looking for livery? Here are ten reasons to join #teamdunbyrnestud on livery today :

  1. We offer huge courtyard stables with deep warm shavings beds providing the ultimate comfort for your horse

  2. We supply top quality haylage and feed twice a day as part of our full stabled livery package

  3. Horses are turned out daily in individual paddocks with secure fencing. Horses are still relaxed as they can see other horses beside them and this turnout is much safer than group turnout especially when horses and ponies are wearing a full set of shoes.

  4. Our yard owners live onsite so our opening hours are flexible. We never restrict our liveries with set hours so if you need to head off early morning somewhere or are running late from work there is no need to worry.

  5. We have a huge livery arena (this is dedicated to liveries and is entirely separate from the onsite riding school). The size of our arena allows liveries to ride when our coaches are running lessons so there is no need to plan your riding around someone else’s lessons or arena bookings.

  6. BHS and HSI qualified coaches onsite providing training at competitive rates

  7. We are less than thirty minutes from JAG / Redhills / Greenogue / Emerald and just ten minutes from Coilog so Leinster competition venues are close by.

  8. We have a heated rug room with storage for liveries. This is ideal on cold or damp days as you can hang up your rug while you ride so its nice and warm when it goes back on your horse.

  9. We have a 4.5 furlong all weather sand gallops which is exclusively for our liveries to use. This leads on to our onsite wooded hacking trails and is ideal for hacking, fittening work, eventing preparation or even just a break from the arena.

  10. We are lucky to have a lovely bunch of existing clients who are positive and enthusiastic. We enjoy taking part as a group in competing on and offsite and in social activities. Our liveries take part in a wealth of disciplines from eventing to dressage.

To arrange a yard visit and enquire about joining our team - please email

Dunbyrne Equestrian Online Combined Training results

Dunbyrne Equestrian Online Combined Training results

Sophie O Grady and Leo winners of our 85-90cm Easter Combined Training

BHS Success for Leonie and Rebecca

This week we received some wonderful news. Two of our full time students, Leonie Moore and Rebecca Hoary absolutely excelled themselves in their most recent BHS (British Horse Society) exams. Both students attend Dunbyrne Equestrian as full time working students under the CDETB training course. Both are now the proud owners of their full BHS Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride.

When we work with full time students we get to know them and we aim to help them to develop, to learn and to think about where they would like to go on their equestrian careers. We are lucky enough to have three full time students - Rebecca, Leonie and Finnish student Miia Pekkala working with is and we are delighted with the efforts they put in to being their best.

Rebecca is a passionate and determined young student with great plans and goals for the future and we are really delighted to be part of the team who help her on her way. Leonie has worked incredibly hard to develop her show jumping at Dunbyrne and we are so proud of the professional and confident approach she brought to her exams.

These students continue to work their way along the BHS pathways with our onsite BHSI Ross O’hare supported by our BHSAIs through Stage three care and riding and through their teaching exams. We love that we are involved in building the instructors of the future who will in turn inspire others to ride and to teach.

We are passionate about BHS training, if you are too, please get in touch if you would like our help to get where you want to go.

BHS Ireland 2019 Exam dates

The British Horse Society have released the 2019 dates for exams in the Republic of Ireland for 2019. As the dates are listed by centre on the BHS website, we have created a calendar by date instead to make it easier to find what you need.

You don’t need to be doing a course full time to take your BHS Exams, it’s entirely possible to study for and pass your exams independently while working full or part time. Whatever your situation, if you need an assessment, a mock exam, or some one to one or group training we can help. Our onsite BHSI Ross O’Hare provides training from Ride Safe to Stage One through to Stage 5. We have suitable horses for use in riding and lunging sessions and a working yard ideal for stable management lessons, lectures and practice.

if you are based somewhere else and would like us to come to you for training, just get in touch. Ross regularly travels around the country to deliver training so if you have a group interested we can arrange for him to come to you.


  • 11th February, Hitchmough’s, Ride Safe

  • 19th February, Kildalton, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 26th February, Calliaghstown, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 27th February, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 28th February, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Teach



  • 1st March, Calliaghstown, Stage 3 Teach

  • 26th March, Kildalton, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 21st March, Slieve Aughty, Ride Safe

  • 27th March, Kildalton, Stage 2 Teach



  • 8th April, Hitchmough’s, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 9th April, Claremorris, Ride Safe

  • 16th April, Clonshire, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 23rd April, Brennanstown, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 24th April, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 25th April, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 25th April, Danville, Ride Safe

  • 26th April, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Teach

  • 30th April, Calliaghstown, Stage 1 Care, Lunge and Ride



  • 1st May, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 2nd May, Calliaghstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 2nd May, Slieve Aughty, Ride Safe

  • 3rd May, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Teach



  • 5th June, Grennan, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 7th June, Grennan, Stage 2 Teach

  • 18th June, Brennanstown, Stage 1 Care and Ride

  • 19th June, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 20th June, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 21st June, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Teach



  • 9th July, Claremorris, Ride Safe





  • 3rd September, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 4th September, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 5th September, Brennanstown, Stage 2 Teach

  • 6th September, Brennanstown, Stage 3 Teach

  • 12th September, Slieve Aughty, Ride Safe

  • 18th September, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 19th September, Calliaghstown, Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 20th September, Calliaghstown, Stage 2 Teach

  • 24th September, Claremorris, Ride Safe



  • 15th October, Brennanstown, Stage 4 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 16th October, Stage 4 Teach



  • 7th November, Calliaghstown, Stage 1 Care, Lunge and Ride

  • 8th November, Calliaghstown, Ride Safe




BHS Ireland 2018 Assessment Dates at a Glance

The British Horse Society have released the dates below for assessments in the Republic of Ireland for 2018. Assessments are available from Level 1-4 for riding, coaching and care as well for equine tourism and ride safe. These assessments will allow students to earn qualifications towards their chosen BHS Equine Excellence pathways. 

Assessment booking checklist:

  • In order to book an assessment with the British Horse Society you must be a member. You will require Gold membership which is very valuable for all riders and students to have due to the excellent level of insurance it provides.
  • Next, you will need to review the assessment dates below to determine which dates and venues best suit you
  • Once you have done this you can give the Equine Excellence team a call at 0044-2476 840508 to book your assessment. 
  • Your assessment pack will arrive in the post and will include a skills sheet which must be signed off by a BHSAI or above to allow you to attend your assessment.

Need some professional help?

  • At Dunbyrne Equestrian we provide the following services through our BHSI Ross O'Hare which will help you to prepare for your assessments.
  • Individual or group assessments to determine where you are versus the level required for BHS assessments
  • Individual or group training towards BHS Assessments (Ride Safe and Care / Lunge / Ride / Coach Level 1-4). This is available during the day or in the evenings or at weekends to fit around working hours or busy lifestyles
  • Mock assessments for all levels to gain confidence ahead of assessments and to identify areas needing work.
  • Sign off of skills to allow students to take BHS assessments. 
  • Advice on BHS Equine Excellence Pathways and careers
  • To enquire or book any of these services please call 0862222440 / 0879244385


BHS Dates 2018 - Republic of Ireland

March 2018

Wednesday 21st March – Slieve Aughty – Ride Safe

Monday 26th March – Clonshire – Ride Safe morning assessment only

Monday 26th march – Clonshire - Stage 1 Care and Ride afternoon assessment only

Tuesday 27th March – Clonshire - Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

Tuesday 27th March – Kildalton – Stage 3

Wednesday 28th March – Kildalton – Stage 2 Teach


April 2018

Friday 6th April – Claremorris – Ride Safe

Tuesday 10th April – Brennanstown - Stage 1 Care and Ride

Tuesday 10th April – Calliaghstown – Ride Safe

Wednesday 11th April – Brennanstown - Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

Thursday 12th April – Brennanstown - Stage 3 Care, Lunge and Ride

Friday 13th April – Brennanstown – Stage 2 Teach

Friday 13th April – Calliaghstown - Equine Tourism, Ride Leader Level 2 & Level 3 only


May 2018:

Tuesday 1st May – Calliaghstown – Stage 1 Care and Ride

Wednesday 2nd May – Calliaghstown – Stage 2 Care, Lunge, ride

Thursday 3rd May – Calliaghstown – Stage 2 Teach

Friday 4th May – Stage 3 Care, Lunge, Ride

Thursday 10th May – Danville Farm - Equine Tourism, Ride Leader Level 2 & Level 3 only

Wednesday 16th May – Slieve Aughty – Ride Safe

Tuesday 29th May – Clonshire - Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

Wednesday 30th May – Clonshire – Stage 2 Teach

Thursday 31st May – Clonshire – Stage 3 Care, lunge, teach


June 2018:

Friday 8th June – Grennan College – Stage 2 Teach

Wednesday 13th June – Clonshire – Stage 3 Care, lunge, ride

Tuesday 19th June – Brennanstown – Stage 1 Care, lunge, ride

Wednesday 20th June – Brennanstown – Stage 2 Care, lunge, ride

Thursday 21st June – Brennanstown – Stage 3 Care, lunge, ride

Friday 22nd June – Brennanstown – Stage 2 Teach


September 2018

Tuesday 4th September – Stage 2 Care, lunge, ride

Wednesday 5th September – Stage 3 Care, :Lunge and Ride

Thursday 6th September – Stage 2 Teach

Friday 7th September – Stage 3 Teach

Tuesday 25th September – Calliaghstown - Stage 1 Care and Ride

Wednesday 26th September – Calliaghstown - Stage 2 Care, Lunge and Ride

Thursday 27th September – Calliaghstown - Stage 2 Teach

Friday 28th September – Calliaghstown - Stage 3 Care, Lunge, Ride


 October 2018

Wednesday 3rd October – Slieve Aughty - Equine Tourism, Ride Leader Level 2 & Level 3 only

Tuesday 16th October - Stage 4 Care and Management, Lunge and Ride

Wednesday 17th October – Stage 4 Teach


Dunbyrne - The heart of BHS in Kildare

Ross O'Hare BHSI runs Dunbyrne Stud, Kilmeague, Co. Kildare at the foot of the hill of Allen. Our family run equestrian enterprise provides a central hub of information and training for the British Horse Society Assessments and Equine Excellence Pathways in Kildare.

In additional to training full time students as part of the ETB course, Ross provides one to one and group training for any individual working towards any of their BHS assessments. Ross is a BHSI accredited professional coach and a BHS assessor with in depth knowledge of the BHS Pathways to Equine Excellence and the syllabi for each level of assessments.

Services available:

- Individual or group assessments to determine the length and duration of training required for BHS assessment sign off and readiness.

- Individual or group BHS equine excellence pathways training (available across stable management / care, riding, lunging, coaching pathways at level 1 to 5)

- Mock assessments (using our horses for the riding and lunging modules) to provide an authentic exam experience which helps handle exam nerves and assist in identifying any areas of development before assessments

- Assessment sign off - Full flexibility - training can take place during the day, evenings or weekends.


To book any training for you or your group please call 0862222440 / 0879244385

BHS Assessments, Mock Exams and Training

As part of the new British Horse Society structure, candidates who wish to take exams can choose to do so across several pathways (coach, rider, groom) or to focus on the pathway mist relevant to them. Candidates looking to take exams with the BHS next year in Ireland must first be signed off as being at the standard to do so by a qualified BHS Instructor. 

Find out more about the BHS pathways here:

To study for and take BHS exams, you do not have to work with horses full time, or even at all. You can choose between studying as a full time student in a college, at an approved equestrian centre, as part of a part time group or even by yourself in your own time. 

Dunbyrne Equestrian is home of Ross O'Hare, BHSI and BHS assessor. Ross provides the following services at Dunbyrne Equestrian, Kilmeague, Co. Kildare. These services can cover Ride Safe and the BHS Equine Excellence Career Pathways Level 1-5 in grooming, riding and coaching. Pupils can train with Ross using either their own horse or one provided by the equestrian centre. 

  • Part time BHS courses for groups
  • Tailored one to one BHS training for individuals 
  • Mock exams for groups or individuals
  • Assessments for groups or individuals and sign off for application for exams
  • Full time student positions 

To enquire about any of these services please contact Ross at 086-2222440 / 087-9244385

BHS Stage 1 Stable Management Evening Course

We posted earlier today about our opportunity for a full time pupil to come on board as part of our team to train to be a BHS Instructor. While we take students on to study for their BHS exams on a full time basis, we recognise the need for part time courses for others who may be working full time in another industry or have other commitments. 

What we are proposing to run is an eight week course which would train students up to be at the appropriate level to apply for and take their BHS Stage 1 stable management exam. This course would take place at Dunbyrne Equestrian (provisionally on a Thursday evening from 6.30 – 7.45pm but we will take feedback from interested parties on what might work). The course would cover the BHS Stage One stable management syllabus. The cost of the course would be €120 per person payable at the start of the course. (please note that this does not include exam fees for the BHS Stage One – attendees would be responsible for booking and paying for their own exams). However this price would depend on us securing enough interest to run the course. Please let us know if you would be interested in signing up for this course. 

Given how everyone’s schedule tends to be busy during the summer we hoped to commence the course at the beginning of September when routines tend to settle in. If there is interest we can also provide opportunities once the course is up and running for attendees to take part in relevant tasks at the yard on the weekend to practice and gain experience.

The course above covers the stable management syllabus of the BHS Stage One but if you would also like to take riding exams with the BHS we have an onsite AIRE approved riding school where you can attend lessons if you would like to brush up on your riding. For both the stable management and riding exams we will be able to host mock exams (for an additional fee) if there is enough interest after the end of the course. If the stage one course is successful we can build from this and work towards courses for Stage 2, stage 3 and the PTT exams.

If anyone prefers to study for any BHS exams on a one to one basis rather than a group, we can of course provide this. One to one tuition with our BHSI costs €50 per hour onsite.


Working pupil position with accommodation for rider and horse available

We have an exciting opportunity coming up for anyone wishing to join our team and train with us full time to become a BHS (British Horse Society) instructor at Dunbyrne Equestrian. The BHS exams are internationally recognised exams in riding, stable management and instruction / coaching. Successful candidates will train for these exams under our onsite BHS qualified instructors and BHSI. 

Dunbyrne Equestrian is a family owned professional yard located at the foot of the hill of Allen (five mins from Coilog). Dunbyrne Equestrian includes an AIRE approved riding school and a livery and competition yard.  Our top class facilities include a floodlit 70*50m arena, all weather sand gallops, heated rug room, spacious stables and wooded hacking area. 

This full time course will begin on the 21/08/2017. There are no course fees for this position, accommodation is available onsite at our yard in Kilmeague, Co. Kildare and you are also welcome to bring your own horse with you. It may also be possible to have exams and equipment paid for if certain criteria are met.

While the course will begin on 21/08/2017 it will be required for anyone interested in the position to attend a trial day at the yard in advance. If you are interested in applying for this position please contact Michelle today at 085 8059529.